EU4FOCAL: Fighting organised crime in Albania


22/04/2024 Albania and Spain reach major milestone in fight against corruption and organized crime

The prosecutors' offices of both States have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that lays the groundwork for a closer and more effective...

19/02/2024 Albania improves its means to fight money laundering

Customs officers at Rina International Airport in Albania learn how to work with scanners capable of detecting...

11/07/2023 Albania fights organised crime with equipment donated by the European Union

As part of the EU4FOCAL project, the European Union has handed over to Albania forensic equipment to fight organised...

04/07/2023 Albania and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office reach agreements to fight organised crime

In the framework of the European EU4FOCAL project to fight organised crime, a working agreement has already been reached between the Albanian and...

15/06/2023 Albanian forensic police trained in DNA database management and consultation

Albanian police learn how to manage and query the DNA database in order to be able to recognise profiles involved in...

22/05/2023 Identification of criminal activities at the Albanian borders

The European project EU4FOCAL is conducting a joint operation with the Albanian police in search of criminal activity at its...

17/05/2023 Albanian and Spanish prosecutors work together to fight corruption and organised crime

Specialists from the Albanian Public Prosecutor's Office visit Spain to learn how European public prosecutors' offices work in the fight against...

04/05/2023 The importance of the crime scene

The European project EU4FOCAL organises training in Albania on visual inspection at crime...

09/02/2022 Training police dogs to fight organised crime

Albanian police dogs are being trained to detect illegal cash smuggling at border controls...

24/03/2021 Fight against organised crime in Albania

Together with Albania, the European Union launches a new project to combat organised crime through criminal and financial investigations...


03/08/2021 #PublicExpertise: Fighting organised crime in Albania

“I am learning that there is no single way of doing things, accepting what is different and bringing it back to public service in...

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