The EU Facility SOCIEUX+ has launched a new publication entitled Facing climate change: How can social protection and labour policies support adaptation and mitigation? The publication marks the start of a new series of metapapers that synthesize knowledge on current policies, interventions or approaches, resulting from cases of technical cooperation carried out by SOCIEUX+ and aimed at policy makers and stakeholders around the world.
This particular metapaper focused on the potential of labour market policies and social security systems to protect and prepare people to adapt to socio-economic shocks caused by climate change, while actively contributing to the ecological transition.
Written by dr. Koen Vleminckx, Director of Research at the Federal Public Service Social Security in the Belgian Ministry of Social Affairs and Knowledge Development Coordinator at SOCIEUX+, the paper offers an in-depth exploration through real-life examples of innovative practices applied in various countries and regions.
The metapaper is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and can be downloaded from SOCIEUX+ website at
Facing climate change: how can social protection and labour and employment measures support adaptation and mitigation?
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In its conclusions on “European Public Sector Expertise in the EU’s External Action”, the Council of the European Union has recognised European Union (EU) public sector expertise as a key asset in supporting partner countries. In the Joint Communication on ‘The Global Gateway’, technical assistance is identified as a key component of the Global Gateway investment and delivery model through its contribution to capacity building and improvements in the enabling environment for investments with knowledge sharing between public sector experts highlighted as one of the key modalities.
EU and its member States mobilising public sector expertise in EU’s external action
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Identificación de programas de formación, tomando como ejemplo la experiencia europea en la prevención y lucha contra el racismo y la xenofobia hacia la población migrante
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Estudio comparado de las normas y de la legislación sobre discriminación racial/étnica, racismo y xenofobia en España, Francia, Túnez y Marruecos
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