CT JUST: Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism


19/07/2024 Middle East, North Africa and Europe work to improve counter-terrorism capabilities in prisons

Public officials from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa strengthen counter-terrorism efforts in prison...

11/07/2024 Security and justice specialists address challenges in the fight against terrorism

Security and justice specialists from Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania join forces in the fight against...

28/05/2024 Strengthening the Role of Women in the Security Forces

A training activity was carried out with the aim of strengthening the role of women in the security forces in the Middle East and North Africa...

14/05/2024 Strengthening counter-terrorism through an innovative open-source intelligence training initiative

Amman has hosted this training to combat extremist narratives and terrorist propaganda in the current security...

08/05/2024 Iraqi police forces strengthen their forensic science skills

With the aim of more effective counter-terrorism, Iraqi police strengthen their forensic science...

14/02/2024 Iraqi security forces receive anti-terrorist training in special investigative techniques

The training workshop held in Baghdad was attended by specialists from the Police, Civil Guard, Carabinieri and...

Exchange of European experiences on judicial cooperation against terrorism

Two European counter-terrorism programmes have exchanged experiences with North African and Middle Eastern countries on cross-border cooperation in...

13/12/2023 Strengthening judicial response capacity to terrorism in Ghana

The EU-funded CT-Just and NORPREVSEC programmes have jointly participated in an activity to train Ghanaian security forces in...

27/11/2023 EU strengthens Iraq’s counter-terrorism capabilities

The EU-funded CT-Just project has carried out key actions to strengthen Iraq's capabilities in the management of digital evidence in the chain of...

19/07/2023 Egypt, Iraq and Jordan coordinate in the fight against terrorism

The European project CT JUST has organised a high-level working group with representatives from the three Middle Eastern countries to address the...