Support to Serbia in the area of justice, freedom and security


05/12/2024 Representatives of the judiciary and prosecution of Serbia and the EU share experiences on serious and organized crime

Belgrade hosted the II Forum of Judges and Prosecutors of Serious and Organized Crime to address the practical challenges of prosecuting and trialing...

20/11/2023 Representatives of the Judiciary and Public Prosecutor’s Office of Serbia and Spain exchange experiences on organised crime

Serbia has held a forum to exchange experiences in the fight against organised crime between representatives of the Serbian judiciary and...

31/05/2023 Serbia strengthens capacities of its institutions in the fight against organised crime

Representatives of Serbian institutions have met to improve the system for fighting organised crime and...

08/06/2023 Serbia improves its legal instruments in the fight against organised crime

The Justice, Freedom and Security Support Project for Serbia strengthens the Serbian legal and institutional framework for the fight against serious...


05/12/2024 Serbia strengthens its judicial practice in the fight against economic crimes

The Republic of Serbia is applying to join the European Union To this end, the country is in a negotiation process in which compliance with the principles of the rule of law, fundamental rights, strengthening of democratic institutions and alignment...

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