• 13 January 2015


    Category : Inf first person


    In the first person… After regaining freedom

    Disfrutar de su hija y dar vida a su propio negocio. Eso es lo que hará Yesenia, de 32 años, cuando salga de la prisión para mujeres más grande de Chile. Participa en un proyecto de reinserción socio-laboral de reclusos coordinado por el Programa de la Unión Europea para la cohesión social en América Latina, EUROsociAL. Nos cuenta su historia. Enjoy her daughter and breathe life into her own business. That's what Yesenia, 32 years of age, will do when she gets out of the largest women's prison in Chile. She is participating in a social and labour-market reintegration project coordinated by EUROsociAL, the European Union programme for social cohesion in Latin America. She tells us her story.


    “I’m in charge of a workshop with 35 women workers, and I review their work. It’s an internal control before the product reaches the street. It’s not easy. Around here, you learn to assume responsibilities, adapt to schedules and supervise people older than yourself… you learn to work and to communicate with them.

    When I get out of here, I want to enjoy being with my daughter and running a business. I know everything I need to know about businesses and how to talk to outside people because that’s something I’m accustomed to. It’s not going to be hard for me.”

    You can learn more about this project by listening to our radio program ‘Public cooperation around the world’ (Radio 5, all news). In little over three years, EUROsociALhas already implemented this project in 13 countries thanks to the work of its justice partners: France Expertise Internationale, the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Ibero-American Countries  and the International Juvenile Justice Observatory.

    The author has sole responsibility for the opinions and comments expressed in this blog

    The views and opinions expressed in this blog are the sole responsibility of the person who write them.

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