After almost four years of working together with the authorities of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the fight against drug trafficking of illicit substances and related crimes through the project "Support to special anti-drug forces in Bolivian law enforcement", the European Union wants to continue the work already done with this new phase.
The general objective is to reduce drug trafficking through the efficient control of illicit drug trafficking, the sustained reduction of surplus coca cultivation and the prevention of drug consumption. As a specific objective, the project seeks to strengthen intelligence and investigation systems, regional and international cooperation mechanisms and police and judicial training schools to help dismantle criminal organisations.
The project will be carried out taking into account the social and human dimension of the drug problem, with a gender perspective and with the objective of reinforcing the work of the institutions in charge of the fight against drug trafficking and human trafficking, as well as updating the normative and legal framework related to these crimes.
Justicia y Estado de Derecho (JED)
3.000.000 €
Unión Europea
Ministerio de Justicia, Ministerio del Interior y el Defensor del Pueblo de España
Start - 26/11/2021
End - 05/02/2023