Binomial security and development has become a key element in the strategy of the European Union for the Sahel region. For this reason, the Ministry of the Interior of Spain, through the Civil Guard, has proposed to carry out this project. To this end, the European Commission has delegated its management to FIIAPP.
The Sahel is a geographical area of great political instability. This causes problems regarding irregular migration and the presence of terrorist groups. In addition, to the existence of criminal organisations and illegal trafficking.
The general objective of the Delegated Cooperation project is to contribute to the security of the population and the stabilisation of all the countries involved, and of the regional territories, including the most isolated and cross-border areas.
Spanish experts along with French, Italian and Portuguese experts will work with their counterparts in the region to improve internal security in these countries, strengthening the capabilities of their security forces and improving cross-border cooperation.
Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Chad.
Seguridad, paz y desarrollo
Ministerio de Interior: Guardia Civil
Start - 28/12/2016
End - 30/09/2023