Following the success of the first phase, the European Union is also funding the second phase of the NET-COP project.

In this second phase, work will be carried out to implement the coordination tool in the countries in which it could not be installed in the first phase. In addition, work will continue on strengthening the investigative capacities of African police forces, training on data processing, operational cooperation, standardising operational procedures and the bases for the creation of a regional coordination office to manage the relationship between the security forces of the different countries.

All of this will be done with the overall objective of establishing a network of contact, work and coordination between law enforcement agencies in West Africa working with local National Police Investigation Units in the fight against trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

This second phase will work mainly in 6 countries, with the possibility of extending to those countries in the area that may request to be included in this cooperation work.

  • Project data

  • Countries

    Ivory Coast, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal.

  • Sector

    Seguridad, Paz y Desarrollo

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Unión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministry of the Interior, National Police

  • Date

    Start - 31/05/2023
    End - 30/05/2025

  • Partners

    French Ministry of the Interior, CIVIPOL

Imagen de la noticia
05/08/2024 National Police cooperates with African investigative units against transnational organized crime In a globalized and interconnected world, the only way to effectively combat organized crime is to internationalize the police forces dedicated to fighting this type of... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha