Safe transport in North Africa and the Sahel

In today's world economy, the movement of goods is constantly increasing. Therefore, the risk posed by the transport of chemical and biological materials is also increasing. The transport of dangerous goods must be regulated to avoid, as far as possible, accidents involving people or property or damage to the environment, the means of transport used or other goods.

This project (SecTrans NAS), which is funded by the European Union and managed by FIIAPP and specialists from the Ministry of Development, has the general objective of making transporting chemical and biological substances by road in North Africa and the Sahel safer. In addition, it has some specific objectives such as supporting the evolution of the legal framework related to the transport of dangerous goods, improving logistics and dangerous goods transport planning, and strengthening response capacities in the event of an accident related to these types of goods.

  • Project data

  • Countries

    Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia.

  • Sector

    Digitalización y conectividad

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministerio de Fomento, secretaría general de transportes

  • Date

    Start - 17/12/2018
    End - 16/06/2022

  • Partners

    Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (MIHE) 

    Asociación ADELFAS

Imagen de la noticia
13/05/2022 Tunisia reinforces its transport of dangerous goods SecTrans-NAS organises the latest workshops and trainings for the transport of dangerous chemical and biological goods in Tunisia... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha