SOCIEUX: Communication on Social Protection in EU Development Cooperation

A part of the EU EuropeAid programme ‘Investing in People", the purpose is to foster the development of social services in low and middle income countries through missions to exchange experiences with specialised organisations of the Member States and other multilateral ones. It is a project that operates at the request of the beneficiary country meaning the specific goals are defined as the demand is generated.

  • Project data

  • Countries

    Mexico, Peru, Jamaica, Djibouti, Liberia, Ghana, Moldova, Vietnam, Tunisia, Colombia, Burundi.

  • Sector

    Políticas Sociales y Derechos

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Fundación Española para la Cooperación Internacional, Salud y Política Social (FCSAI) del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad), Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, AECID

  • Date

    Start - 02/04/2013
    End - 30/12/2016

  • Partners

Imagen de la noticia
03/11/2013 SOCIEUX: Communication on Social Protection in EU Development Cooperation A part of the EU EuropeAid programme ‘Investing in People", the purpose is to foster the development of social services in low and middle income countries through missions to exchange experiences with specialised organisations of the Member States... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha