The main objective of this project, financed by the European Union and managed by FIIAPP, is to improve the quality of postal services and provide training for employees of North Macedonia's Postal Agency. Spanish specialists from the General Subdirectorate of Postal Services, part of the Ministry of Public Works and Transports, will help to achieve these objectives.
This is a twinning project created as a result of European Union recommendations which call for full deregulation of the postal market to assist the Macedonian Ministry of Transport and Communications to prepare and adopt a new strategy to develop the postal sector.
The main areas of the project are the regulatory framework, analytical accounting, postal inspection, mailboxes and market analysis.
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Transports, infrastructures and communication policy
Transports, infrastructures and communication policy
European Commission
Ministry of Public Works and Transport - Ministerio de Fomento
Start - Ministry of Public Works and Transport - Ministerio de Fomento
End - Ministry of Public Works and Transport - Ministerio de Fomento