Strengthening of the Moldovan Transplant Agency

Moldova is receiving support in this cooperation project of the European Commission for strengthening the national legal framework for its transplant system, emphasising the importance of this service, and establishing a development mechanism similar to that of the European Union. FIIAPP is responsible for its management, along with France.

Under the project framework, Moldovan specialists will receive training in Moldova, Spain, and France. FIIAPP will provide experts from the collaborating Spanish institution in the project, the Catalan Transplant Organisation (OCATT).

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Políticas Sociales y Derechos

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Organización Catalana de Trasplantes (OCATT)

  • Date

    Start - 15/12/2013
    End - 09/12/2015

  • Partners

Imagen de la noticia
16/12/2013 Strengthening of the Moldovan Transplant Agency Moldova is receiving support in this cooperation project of the European Commission for strengthening the national legal framework for its transplant system, emphasising the importance of this service, and establishing a development mechanism... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha
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