Strengthening the capacities of the Court of Auditors

Strengthening the capacities of the Court of Auditors.
To improve the functioning of the Court of Auditors to increase its efficiency with regard to accountability and the management of public funds. The envisaged results, in this project lead by FIIAPP are: 1. To introduce a single methodology for auditing all accounts; 2. To introduce and implement an anti-fraud and anti-corruption strategy; 3. To train the personnel which forms part of the Court of Auditors; 4. To strengthen the capacities of the Court of Auditors in environmental audits.

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Economía y Finanzas Públicas

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Tribunal de Cuentas

  • Date

    Start - 03/09/2013
    End - 03/06/2015

  • Partners