For the next year and a half, FIIAPP will be managing this project funded by the European Commission in which experts from the Spanish Directorate-General of Insurance will provide support to Macedonia in harmonising the country's regulations in the area of insurance and the stock market in accordance with European Union regulations.
With the emergence of new companies and expansion of the range of products and services in the insurance industry, competition has increased in Macedonia in this sector.
With the idea of enabling full participation in the internal market when Macedonia joins the European Union, this twinning project has been established for the purpose of aligning the country's legislation with the European Union legal framework.
Spanish experts will assist their Macedonian counterparts to adapt the country's legislation to that of the European Union, and to strengthen their administrative and operational capacities.
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Finanzas públicas y desarrollo económico
Comisión Europea
Dirección General de Seguros
Start - 05/03/2016
End - 21/08/2017