Support for the Algerian Civil Protection Service

Algeria has had a civil protection service since its independence, working in the areas of disaster prevention, emergency response and operational interventions. But the current instability in the region makes it necessary to strengthen and modernise the service.

This is the rationale behind this project based on the results of the National Risk Analysis and Coverage Plan developed with the help of the French Civil Security Service (CIVIPOL). The project's main objectives are to significantly increase the number of personnel in the civil protection service, to acquire fire fighting equipment and the general and specialised training of the staff. The project will be supported by Spanish experts from the Civil Protection and emergency services and the Spanish Ministry of the Interior.

This project will last 24 months and has a budget of 1,500,000 euros, it is financed by the European Commission and managed by the French Ministry of Interior as a leading partner and FIIAPP as junior partner.

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Políticas sociales, libertades y derechos

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministerio del Interior, Protección Civil y Emergencias

  • Date

    Start - 02/01/2017
    End - 01/01/2019

  • Partners


Imagen de la noticia
17/02/2017 Support for the Algerian Civil Protection Service Algeria has had a civil protection service since its independence, working in the areas of disaster prevention, emergency response and operational interventions But the current instability in the region makes it necessary to strengthen and modernise... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha