Support for the improvement of the proposed law on compensatory remedies for undue delays in the judicial process

"Improvement in the efficiency of judicial procedures.
The specific objective is the development of a sustainable legislative framework that ensures the limits for undue delay in procedures.
- Organization of 2 consultations for the operators involved
- Preparation of an evaluation report on the existing legal framework
- Preparation of a detailed description of similar legal frameworks in two Member States (including success stories, notions and relevant legal institutions etc.)
- Organization of two work seminars aimed at finding solutions for the Romanian model."

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Justice and Transparency

  • Total budget

    216.000,00 €

  • Financer

    Justice and Transparency

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

  • Date

    Start - Justice and Transparency
    End - Justice and Transparency

  • Partners