Support for the Tax Agency in Montenegro

The object of this European Commission-funded and FIIAPP-managed project is to modernise the Montenegro Tax Administration. It also aims at improving the services offered to the taxpayer and rationalising tax burdens.

For eighteen months, the Twinning Project will benefit from Spanish experts from the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), who will exchange experiences with their Montenegrin counterparts, in the country’s first project related to this topic

In addition, Montenegro will receive assistance in meeting the EU pre-accession requirements for taxation, such as the adoption of the common VAT system. The country's Ministry of Finance will also be taking part.

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Economy and Finance

  • Total budget

    Economy and Finance

  • Financer

    Economy and Finance

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Economy and Finance

  • Date

    Start - Economy and Finance
    End - Economy and Finance

  • Partners

Imagen de la noticia
25/07/2018 Support for the Tax Agency in Montenegro The object of this European Commission-funded and FIIAPP-managed project is to modernise the Montenegro Tax Administration It also aims at improving the services offered to the taxpayer and rationalising tax burdens For eighteen months, the... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha