The European Union is financing a project whose main objective is to tighten security and development in the five member states of the G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad). Within the context of the Security and Development Nexus, it will identify common challenges and establish the means to respond from a regional cooperation perspective.
The project is led by CIVIPOL (France) and is also managed by FIIAPP (Spain) and GIZ (Germany). The work team consists of a Project Coordinator, an security expert, an expert to support the Sahelian Security Association and an expert to support the G5 Sahel presidency.
Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger.
Seguridad, paz y desarrollo
9.998.500 €
Comisión Europea
Ministerio del Interior
Start - 20/11/2019
End - 17/11/2023
CIVIPOL, Francia y GIZ, Alemania