Supporting the Georgian Ministry for the Environment

This is a twinning project between Spain and Georgia that aims to accompany the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia (MENRP) in introducing an integrated system to prevent and control pollution. To do this, it will rely on the collaboration of experts from the Xunta [regional government] of Galicia.


This project is financed by the European Commission and will last almost two years. The project is being managed by FIIAPP in collaboration with the Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA) and the Dutch Ministry of Industry and the Environment (MIE).

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Desarrollo Económico y Medio Ambiente

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Xunta de Galicia

  • Date

    Start -
    End -

  • Partners

    Agencia de información Medioambiental Checha (CENIA) Ministerio de Industria y Medioambiente de Holanda (MIE)  

Imagen de la noticia
22/05/2017 Supporting the Georgian Ministry for the Environment This is a twinning project between Spain and Georgia that aims to accompany the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia (MENRP) in introducing an integrated system to prevent and control pollution To do this,... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha