• 31 October 2014


    Category : Opinion


    History of Cooperation in Senegal: Hann Bay

    La FIIAPP gestiona un proyecto de cooperación de la UE “Manejo de desechos químicos y biológicos peligrosos en la región de la fachada atlántica africana y Túnez” cuyo objetivo es concienciar sobre el peligro de este tipo de residuos en la población.The FIIAPP is managing an EU cooperation project entitled “Management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the African Atlantic Façade region and Tunisia”, the objective of which is to raise awareness about the danger these types of wastes represent for the population.

    This European project isworking in countries like Senegal. Senegal has a bay, Hann Bay, which is an example of how environmental pollution can endanger public health. A water treatment plant needs to be installed to clean up all the pollution and filter the water before it reaches the sea.

    But we’re not just talking about pollution. The “Management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the African Atlantic Façade region and Tunisia” project must confront another great problem.The Ebola virus has emerged in some of the countries involved (Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Gabon and Tunisia). Poor handling of biological wastes increases the possibilities of Ebola infection. For this reason, the project will include the fight against the virus among its objectives and activities.

    This project is being financed by the European Union as part of the CBRN Excellence Centres initiative.

    The views and opinions expressed in this blog are the sole responsibility of the person who write them.

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