Fight against irregular immigration and people trafficking in Niger

Niger is currently one of the main gateways for migration from Africa to the Mediterranean.

The aim of this Project is to support the government of Niger in its fight against illegal immigration, people trafficking and smuggling in the country, while at the same time fostering the creation of an international protected area against these crimes. This is being done by training the Niger national police force in investigation and operating procedures. The training will have the cooperation of experts from the Spanish National Police Force, the French Central Directorate of Border Pólice and the French Ministry of the Interior Directorate of International Cooperation.

FIIAPP will manage this project for the next three years with the cooperation of the National Police Force and €6,000,000 in funding from the European Commission.

  • Project data

  • Countries


  • Sector

    Migraciones y movilidad humana

  • Total budget

    11.500.000 €

  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministerio del Interior

  • Date

    Start - 28/12/2016
    End - 28/12/2022

  • Partners

    Ministerio del Interior

Imagen de la noticia
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