Project to support the third phase of the ‘Rabat process’ – Migration

This cooperation project seeks to support achievement of the objectives of the third phase of the ‘Rabat process’, a dialogue on migration and dialogue between nearly 60 African and European countries aimed at addressing the challenges of this phenomenon and also the development opportunities it generates. Funded by the European Commission, it is being led by FIIAPP and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

The ‘Rabat Process’ began in 2006, and FIIAPP has been supporting its development since 2008. In its third phase, it seeks to foster international coordination and cooperation between the parties responsible for migration policies, and to support the member countries in achieving their priority objectives from the most recent Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development, held in Dakar in November 2011.

In addition, this phase places special emphasis on supporting migrants in crisis situations, defence of their rights, international protection, and their access to civil registries.

Further information on the project here

  • Project data

  • Countries

    Benin, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritania, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Central African Republic, Dem. Rep. Congo, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Chad.

  • Sector

    Migración y movilidad

  • Total budget


  • Financer

    Comisión Europea

  • Collaborating Spanish institution

    Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación

  • Date

    Start - 01/01/2013
    End - 29/09/2015

  • Partners

Imagen de la noticia
15/12/2012 Project to support the third phase of the ‘Rabat process’ – Migration This cooperation project seeks to support achievement of the objectives of the third phase of the ‘Rabat process’, a dialogue on migration and dialogue between nearly 60 African and European countries aimed at addressing the challenges of this... Icono de flecha hacia la derecha
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