SEACOP VI, port cooperation

After more than 10 years of articulating transnational efforts to control illicit maritime trafficking, the European Union is funding the sixth phase of this port cooperation project.

The aim of the project is to support the fight against illicit maritime trafficking and associated criminal networks, in a manner consistent with human rights, in the target countries and regions, in order to mitigate the negative impact on security, public health and socio-economic development.

While cocaine accounts for the bulk of illicit transatlantic trafficking and will therefore remain the priority of the project, SEACOP VI will also work on other illicit trafficking, especially the illicit trafficking of hardwoods.

Project data


Security, pace & development



Start - 16/01/2024
End - 15/01/2027

Total budget

6.000.000 €


Unión Europea

We work with

Ministerio del Interior: Policía Nacional

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