This project, financed by the European Union under the FIIAPP-managed Instrument for Stability and Peace has been developed in support of the post-conflict situation and the implementation of the “Final Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace” between the government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
The project aims to help the Special Investigation Unit to break up criminal organisations and prevent crimes such as homicide and massacres which violate human rights.
To improve the performance of the Special Investigation Unit regarding investigations into crimes committed against human rights defenders, social leaders and former members of the Farc-EP, they are working to improve technical and technological resources; improving strategic research and training methodologies through exchanges with Spanish and European counterparts.
Justicia y Estado de derecho
Comisión Europea
Fiscalía General del Estado, Ministerio de Justicia y Ministerio del Interior a través de Guardia Civil y Policía Nacional
Start - 17/06/2019
End - 17/12/2021